An heirloom desk gets refinished.

An heirloom desk gets refinished.

We worked with a customer recently that was looking for hardware to complete a project that he was working on. He had acquired an old, antique desk several years back and it had been used as his daughter's student desk for many years. Now that the desk was returning to his hands, he was ready to get to work restoring its former glory. He refinished the desk bringing back the original beauty of the wood. There were so many details on this desk that he wanted to share with us. The extra deep drawers, the original lock on the top center drawer, and the heavy glass top that he added to complete the project. He added Kingsport collection hardware by Elements to the drawers, and he chose this drop pull in brushed antique brass. Check out these gorgeous pictures he shared with us!

Kick those feet up - you deserve it after this labor of love was completed!  Thanks so much for sharing your project with us!

Do you have a renovation project you're working on and would like our assistance in finding your perfect hardware? Contact us today!

May 23rd 2024 Tracey

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