What is unlacquered brass and how to care for it.

What is unlacquered brass and how to care for it.

Choosing a hardware finish can be a really tough decision. Gold tones or silver tones? What about black or gray? And now there is another thing to consider - lacquered or unlacquered?

Most brass hardware on the market today is lacquered, or has a protective coating on it. This coating helps keep your hardware looking like new. This coating offers protection against fingerprints, smudges, dirt, oil, food, etc. The hardware is easy to wipe clean with just a little water and a cloth. Years from now, your cabinet hardware will look just as good as the day you installed it.

Unlacquered brass hardware doesn't have this protective coating on it. Sometimes this finish is called a living finish. The finish will change the more you touch it. The oils from your hands will start to tarnish the finish and create a new and ever-changing look to your hardware. Overtime the finish will darken and oxidize, but don't mistake that darkening with corrosion. Solid brass hardware will not rust or corrode, only tarnish. This image from Emtek shows how this finish changes over time. The door hardware on the left has been exposed to the elements for 1 year. The hardware on the right has been newly polished.

Caring for your unlacquered brass hardware is a little more work that lacquered pieces, but you can make your aged finish look new again with a little elbow grease. Bar Keepers Friend can remove all the tarnish, grease, and grime. Click here to read their blog that's full of tips and instructions for cleaning brass. The even better news is that you don't have to polish your hardware at all. If you love the look of the patina your hardware has gotten, leave it alone. It will continue to age, darken, and change the more you use it.

Here is just a small sample of the unlacquered brass cabinet knobs and pulls that are available on My Cabinet Hardware. Let us help you find your perfect hardware today!

Sep 3rd 2024

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